An Update and the 300 A Month

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This is the little fox that followed Joleen to work the other day at the Mancos station. She said it got super close and was gorgeous. Foxes must like her when she lived in her last house there was a couple Foxes that would come in her yard all the time and get pretty close. 

I finally got my hack taken care of and another issue I was having so hopefully I am back up and running. I would of never in a million years thought I would ever be hacked it’s not like I am some big blog. I have put a few more security features

I thought I would do a quick update on this since I have fallen so far behind on the 300 a month. Last I posted I had 998.07 left at the end of October.
I went over a little I don’t have the exact amount but some of the things I have gotten the last couple months, 750 pounds of potatoes, 100 pounds onions, 200 pounds wheat, 100 pounds cracked corn 100 pounds whole corn, 75 pounds flour, a case of oranges, a case of grapefruit, several large packs of T.P. 4 turkeys , and a few other things. I am hoping to keep better track and do better on the spending next year. Now that I have the chickens, milk goat and getting milk from my milk cow I should be able to stay out of the store except when they are running a good sale.

I will be doing this again next year with more of a focus on debt reduction I would like to be completely debt free by this time next year. It is going to take a little work but I think I can do it. I have a couple ideas on how to make a little extra money that I can apply to it. As I mentioned a while back I am wanting to get as self-sufficient as I can so I will be working on that and it should help to keep my spending down.

I do have some new things planned for the new year and I am planning to set aside a certain amount of time every day to focus on the blog instead of a just when I  get a chance. I have a lot I want to share and I am not getting it done because I have no set schedule

I will be doing a monthly newsletter it will come out the first of every month. I will post January’s on here to give everyone an idea of what it will look like and see if it is something they would like to subscribe to. 

Very excited to start the new year and the new plans for the blog.

2 Replies to “An Update and the 300 A Month”

  1. NRP

    Hi-ya Ranchers Wife
    GREAT so see you back on the air.
    Since I have not followed you long have a question, what exactly is the 300 a month? Figuring that $300 a month living expenses, but????
    Since I’m retiring 12/28/2018 I’m debt free in 2 months. it’s a GREAT feeling. DEBT free is the first and foremost goal most should strive for IMHO, or at least a plan to get so.
    Also I see on the sidebar you have Week 1 through 30, do you have a link to the remaining Week articles?
    Great score on the TP LOLOL, others will not understand that but it’s all good LOL
    Lastly did you get your onions at NAPA? or ????

    1. Post author

      Hi and thanks it is good to be back. Was a little concerned there for a bit when I got hacked didn’t know if I was going to be able to get it fixed ( Seriously I would have never dreamed my ity bity blog would have been hacked). But after a few dollars and a little patience, I got everything back on track, And a little more security haha.
      The 300 a month is what I spend on food, household( T.P. ect) , and food storage, It ends up being 3600 hundred for the year and I try really hard not to spend much at the beginning since fall is when I do most of my buying.
      Congratulations on being so close to being debt free. It is my number one goal this year, I worked at it last year but didn’t stick to it as hard as I should have ( kicking myself for it now). I agree it is one of the most important things to do.
      Oh yes my 1-30, I haven’t taken the time to update it, hoping to get it done in the next few days, been trying to play catch up on a few post that I have gotten behind on. I am also trying to figure out how to link each week to the week’s challenge.( I am very Technolgy challenged so it takes me twice as long to get something done haha. Although my Daughters do have to ask me computer questions lol.)
      One can never have too much TP ya know 🙂 the more the better lol.
      I did get the onions at NAPI I am not sure where they get them from but I know they didn’t grow them this past year. Not real happy with them or the potatoes this year ( first time ever). I am not too sure these weren’t last years potato’s when I got them home they were already starting to sprout and get soft, they have never started sprouting until several months later. We had to go on a Saturday instead of a Friday so had to go to the scales instead of region 1 ( I believe that is it). So I wonder if they don’t put the older ones over there to get rid of them quicker. Going to have to get them worked them up pretty quick before they get bad.
      You and Blue have a great day.